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Kim Brandell - Designer / Sculptor

Kim Brandell started his sculpture career 50 years ago. He began creating copper sculptures in his garage and exhibited his creations at outdoor arts and crafts shows. His first commercial project was created for the Mayfair Hotel and Shops in Coconut Grove, Fl. Kim created 18 copper elevator doors, 50 copper birds and 150 copper wall sconces. Most of his career has been centered around creating projects for hotels, casinos, restaurants, and high-end private residences. During this time Kim guided a group of highly skilled craftsmen to forge both exterior and interior masterpieces.
After retirement, and no longer accepting sculpture commissions, Kim moved from South Florida to Georgia. He is back to playing his bass guitar in a duo. For the last several years he has been creating small sculptures, at his leisure, When a collection is completed he takes his work to a gallery showing.
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